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Update on Tank-Gear-Reductions
( I guess a few guy's gone be happy now ....5/2004 )
Update to CustomRCmodels tank-gear-reductions
for Tamiya's 1/16 scale R/C tank's as of June 2004
due availability of parts I had to change my previous design's …
the new design looks similar and the installation-procedure is the same …
with my new design I am able to offer a more compatible gear-reduction ,
mean's they are easier now to be exchanged from one tank to another one …
and each gear-reduction can be fine-tuned to the desired scale-speed by just exchanging the motor-pinion's…
there are now 4 different ratio's per gear-reduction available
and I also have special motor's with 15% lower rpm's and higher torque
where each gear-ratio can be adjusted even more …
these gear-reduction are mainly made for the Tamiya Tiger tank's..
since the new Sherman and Pershing are not to far off from the scale-speed …
as for the Pershing and Sherman I recommend in the moment the use of these ,
what I call the “German-black-motor's” …
for the Sherman I still can make a gear-reduction on request ( have done them as samples ) ..
for the Pershing I have not done any gear-reduction's because of the limited space available inside the hull…
back to the Tiger's ….
We have here several different model's ..
First the good old boy's with the single 540type motor and the dual-clutch-setup..
For these tank's I recommend my 8000 rpm “Truck-puller-motor's” …
Cut's the overall speed in ½ by still have plenty of torque….
gear-reduction's here on request …
Now the next generation Tiger's with the dual-gear-boxes …
We have here the following models :
King Tiger with Porsche turret …
first DMD-drive gear-boxes with the white plastic and brass gear's 37:1 ratio ( very fast )
( 54 tooth spur-gear with 12 tooth motor-pinions )
Tiger 1 ( original release )
DMD-drive gear-boxes with the white plastic and brass gear's 46:1 ratio ( fast )
looks similar like the King Tiger gear-boxes but 56 tooth spur-gear with 10 tooth motor-pinions
New King Tiger ( Henschel Turret )
New style gear-boxes with more metal gears and black plastic covers 60:1 ratio (still to fast )
Updated Tiger 1 , now also available with the new style King Tiger gear-boxes 60:1 ratio
My previous designs was individual gear-reductions for each tank ,
With my new design I am making only a difference between
old style gear-boxes ( white plastic and brass gears )
and new style gear-boxes ( more metal gears , black plastic covers )
even thought at ordering I need to know for what tank ,
but these new type gear-reductions can be easily upgraded and changed
to be used in all Tiger tank's
with all generation gear-boxes ,
by just exchanging the output-gear on the gear-reduction
and using different mounting-holes…
as of in the moment I have following overall gear-ratios available :
King Tiger with Porsche turret( old style gearboxes )
Original gear-ratio 37:1 with 12 tooth motor-pinions
( 3rd generation , gear-reduction spur-gear 30 tooth , output-gear 12 tooth )
Motor-pinion gear-ratio max on-road scale-speed with “black-motor's”
10 111:1 18 miles/hr 16 miles/hr
12 92:1 22 miles/hr 19.5 miles/hr
14 80:1 25 miles/hr 22.5 miles/hr
alternative gear-ratios with 30 tooth spur and 14 tooth out-put-gear 95:1 / 80:1 and 68:1
Tiger 1 ( original release , old style gearboxes )
Original speed 46:1 gear-ratio with 10 tooth motor-pinion ( stock motors )
69 km/h//42.8 miles/hr tested
1st generation gear-reduction ( stock motors , 34 tooth spur-gear )
100:1 gear-ratio with 12 tooth motor-pinion ,13 tooth output gear
scale speed 31.9 km/h // 19.8 miles/hr ( 28.3 km/h // 17.6 miles/hr off-road , grass ), tested
120:1 with original 10 tooth ith original 10 tooth motor pinion and 11 tooth output gear
scale speed 22.5 km/h // 14 miles/hr
I still have these 1st generation gear-reductions in stock…….
( 3rd generation gear-reduction , spur-gear 30 tooth , output-gear 12 tooth )
Motor-pinion gear-ratio max on-road scale-speed with “black-motor's”
10 115:1 17.5 miles/hr 15.5 miles/hr
12 96:1 21 miles/hr 18.5 miles/hr
14 82:1 24.5 miles/hr 22 miles/hr
New King Tiger and New Tiger 1
(3rd generation gear-reduction, spur-gear 30 tooth , output-gear 15 tooth )
Motor-pinion gear-ratio max on-road scale-speed with “black-motor's”
10 120:1 16.5 miles/hr 15 miles/hr
12 100:1 20 miles/hr 18 miles/hr
14 86:1 23.5 miles/hr 21 miles/hr tested
14 86:1 tested in King Tiger, metal-tracks black-motor's no Flux-rings
scale speed 24.0 miles /hr reference, here are the data fom my 2nd generation gear-reductions
for the new style gearboxes , Tiger 1 - King Tiger
113:1 (2nd generation , gear-reduction , stock motors )
tested scale speed 16.8 miles / 26.8 km / hour on-road and 15.6 miles / 25 km / hr off-road
136:1 tested scale speed 13.8 miles / 22.3 km / hour on-road
I still have a limited supply of these 2nd generation gear-reductions
with the following gear-ratios :
10 100:1 estimate 19 to 21 miles/hr
12 83:1 estimate 22 to 24 miles/hr 22miles/hr with black motors tested
14 71:1 estimate 28 miles/hr, with black motors 25miles/hr
these 2nd generation gear-reductions are a little bit smaller as the 3rd generation ,
so they are a nice choice for the Tiger 1 ,
especially if you are looking for the max allowed scale-speed ( battle-rules )
all these scale-speed's are estimates , excepted where it says “tested” ,
calculated with my original test-values from my previous gear-reductions …
also please consider that the type of battery used , the condition of your motor's and gearboxes ,
your weight of your tank , condition of the tracks will effect these values……..
I bean finally able to test these 380 type motors on a special modified motor-dyno ,
the first test's show that these black-motors are a better quality motor ,
no matter used with ( lower RPM's ) or without ( higher RPM's ) Flux-rings…
( this is just a sample diagram from many ....)
the data here needs some explanation's , the motor's have bean tested under load ,
but more to this I will post later ….....
as we could see at the latest battle-day in Danville,VA ,
these black-motors truly improve the performance , especially for tanks without gear-reductions,
of course you can use them also with gear-reductions.....
and for the ones that this is still not enough,
I just tested a new "Big-Block"
this motor has almost 50% more torque as the "black-motor's"
and gear-reduction issue , where you find also the ordering-info …..
( please not , my main-website is not updated yet with these info's , so don't get confused )
updates will follow…..
please read also :
depending on the demand for these new modified gearboxes ,
I will post soon an updated gear-ratio list....
kind regards