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Welcome to our world of R/C cars /
trucks / tanks and more............
FC 12-31-2015
A lot has happened in the past years ,
and I didn't had enough time to update this main-website all the time ,
the most recent updates are done within the individual sections :
More updates will follow
here is the link to the :
where these events take place every few months....
below the photos from the previous events.............
and here now Video's from the Danville Tank-Battle-Field :
Overview..... Tiger 1 arrives in Danville...... behind a Tiger 1 in Town....
Tiger 1 leaves Town..... behind the Tractor....
click on the photos above to watch or download the video's ! 
here all 5 videos in one on my youtube channel :
and you can find me also in these forums :
anybody interested getting together for
" indoor-all-wheel-drive-and-semi-trucker-events " ???
We are doing it now !
since the Thanksgiving 2009 weekend !
some items now available for secure purchase online ! 
now also a video , check out how smooth this setup works....
new 6WD conversion-kits are in the works !
will be posted soon !
some of my previous Project's :
( this is now old stuff , check my events-section for the most recent new creations )
click the image's above to see more new photos !
click on photos or above link , to see more
the daytime-photos from MB 3850 are posted now !
and Susspension Upgrade
Paintball-battle with R/C tanks ..
to see some of my R/C video's , 
go to my "video's-overview-page" by clicking on the film-reel's
1/10 "Monster-truck" click on image to see more of this past event can be found here :
1/6 "Willy's Jeeps" click on images to see more
my newest 1/6 scale Jeep !
well ..who ? ..what is this ??...
nanu , was'n das'den???...
New Monster-Project !
Hallo meine Deutschen Monstertrucker Freunde!
Werde da mehr und mehr Updates reinpacken.
Neu : Wild Dagger NEU : WD-Antriebswellen ! Neu: Fahrtenregler Daten / Monsterreifen / Infos
Suspension-upgrade Motor Data / ESC data / Monster-truck-tires /
( fuer den "normalen Geldbeutel"!) und:
Hummer , based on an TXT-1 chassis :
Wild Dagger Tuning UPDATE: Step 2 and Step 3 "Extrem"
jetzt auch komplette WILD DAGGER Upgrade-kits : "Buget" - "Sport" und "Pro" Version
"Budget" "Sport" "PRO"
E-maxx tunings-parts
NEW "Wider is Better !" Willy's Wide-track E-maxx click the driver to see some of our R/C cars
the history of Tamiya R/C cars !
updated video-link , now on my youtube channel
we wish you all
a happy and successful 2016 !
and don't forget :
Work is not everything ! Get a hobby !
enjoy Live ! Have fun with the R/C hobby!
from Willy & Yvonne
This page is always under construction !