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the vehicles of RollinThunder at the IPMS show 2006
ACE had the opportunity to show our RollinThunder vehicles at the IPMS show in VA-beach
since the IPMS show is only for static models , having some action going on ,
added a dramatic impact to this show
we all stayed very busy to demonstrate our models as well explaining how it all works ,
and we also had a lot of fun doing it ...
the photos below don't show many people ,
since we never had time to take photos while a big crowed was around
( and we had almost all the time over the entire show of 2 days a big crowed around us )
most of these photos bean taking doing the setup and at the end of the show ,
but it should give some idea how many vehicles we had there and how much action we had going on ...

at a later time I will add some more photos and also close-up from some of these models
Oct 24, 2006
Rollin' Thunder at the Virginia Beach IPMS Show
Members of Rollin' Thunder set-up and conducted demonstrations for
the IPMS Regional show in Virginia Beach this past weekend (20th and
21st of October). They filled the area of approximately 800 square
feet they were provided with RC vehicles, trucks, buildings, loading
dock, and multitudes of other associated stuff. The vehicles were
too many to list, but besides the regular assortment of tanks,
trucks, and other vehicles were a Pz II ausf L, BergePanther with
operating crane, Ersatz –Panther G (almost complete) and Leopard IA2
(80% complete).
The local organizers of the event stated that Rollin' Thunder was
the `high-light of the show' as Rollin' Thunder pulled in a crowd (a
lot from other venues there) while conducted battling, vehicle
recovery and a variety of other typically avant-garde Rollin' Thunder
things. Rollin' Thunder operated across the entire side of the open
traffic areas of the lobby, thrilling not only IPMS patrons, but the
other Pavilion event patrons as well with most people having never
seen RC tanks or trucks, or some of the manners in which they were
run (vehicle recovery, repair, towed, loading, etc). The venue
itself could almost not have been better; it was so superb,
especially with driving vehicles. The event organizers were first-
rate; the best we'd ever worked with, and made sure we expeditiously
had everything that was needed. We were very happy to have assisted
them with the great work they put into their event.
Besides running tanks, trucks, and other vehicles, some time was also
spent conducting testing on a new Rollin' Thunder upgrade system for
RC vehicle battling. The upgrade system is a 4-reciever interfacing
system that replaces the inadequate `apple' of the TBU. Currently,
the system (Phase II) comprises a 4-reciever system, which will be
upgraded to a 7-8 receiver system (depending on vehicle) this winter
and will be incorporated into Rollin' Thunder-Only battling of both
single and dual-person (Phase I) operated tanks in the spring. This
system corrects many of the faults of the existing TBU, while vastly
improving the gaming aspect of each vehicle. It provides the
targeting aspect of an actual tank vice where it is currently
located, idiotically above the toy tank. No more goofy `apples'.
Overhauling the limited scope of the toy-like gaming and associated
equipment provided by the TBU and the inherent tanks has been one of
the priorities of Rollin' Thunder.
Next Rollin' Thunder event (no# 8) is to be held in
November in Tennessee for Rollin' Thunder members and invitees.
Rollin' Thunder